Friday, March 4, 2011

Real Life Look At Instant Social Chaos - Black Friday

Let's face it, during "stressful" events, we're really only one DNA link from apes fighting over a bunch of bananas.

For proof, you need to look no further than the "I'm gonna get mine" mentality of Black Friday bargain hunters the day after Thanksgiving.

This situation could just as easily happen...
  • At the grocery store prior to a natural disaster
  • During food distribution at a government aid center
  • During a moment of opportunity when a nearby store window is smashed near a demonstration.
Opportunists become engulfed in greed and the "survival" mindset hits a whole new level.

Any thoughts on  how YOU would handle yourself during a situation like this (besides NOT being there in the first place?)

Please leave your comments below...


  1. The question this film raises in my mind is why this doesn't happen more often. The dispersion of responsibility, emotional contagion, social imitation, and other factors that lead to "mob" behavior are pretty strong. And we sometimes specifically create the conditions for stampedes when we encourage thousands of people to line up outside a store for hours waiting for it to open, and then provide limited supplies for them to purchase. How do people manage to *avoid* turning into a mob so much of the time? I wonder if there are some kinds of conditions we could faciliate to discourage mob behavior even before it starts?

  2. People make me sick, they realy are animals, caring nothing for the human they walk upon.. I thikn a decent pep talk outside by a store employee would have helped, people need to be led. NEED to be led.
    "People, we are about to open the doors to the store, do not push please walk calmly into the store, there will be no running, shoving or pushing. There is security inside the store and if people are showing signs of stampeding the offenders will be immediately removed. Please be courteous and respectful to others" ... people NEED to be led..

  3. @Anonymous March,2011 1:04PM: Yeah like Walmart, huh? you sorry lowlife peckerwood.

  4. We are living in the midst of perilous times. The perfect storm is about to come ashore and sooner or later incidents like this will happen in many different venues for a variety of reasons. Panic comes not over months but overnight. And when that happens you have to be prepared. Avoidance is, of course, the first thing to do. Try not to get into a sinking ship but if you are in the thick of things your brain is your most important weapon. Try to go with the flow and look for an immediate exit strategy. If anyone is hampering your exit or acting in a threatening manner the most effective tool would be a hand-held taser applied inconspiculously. As the thug falls and gets trampled by the crowd make a quick get-away.

  5. The object is to get the big deal, and usually the bait only consists of a very few limited items. This is a recipe for disaster. But to your question, I would not be the first in the door. I would stand back and to either side of the crowd where I could turn out of it quickly. Being in the center, and pressed against the door is asking for a good trampling.

  6. Yeah, it's a real Catch-22 if this were something like waiting in line for water or bread in the wake of a storm. The front of the line is the most dangerous while the back of the line means you go hungry. Not the same as missing out on a flat screen TV.

    This is why NOT putting yourself in the midst of a potential breakout is so key. Black Friday is easy to deal with - don't be in the crowd. For sustaining human life during a crisis, it's everything you do prior to the even that makes all the difference. Knowing how to find food without having to wait in line is imperative. We're in the middle of actually designing an indoor hydroponic garden for long term sustainability.

    Great feedback everyone!

  7. its called bastard buy when you try to bring it back.

  8. this is only a small part of sociaty. this is not true americans! panic is for real and dangerous. this is what is wrong with our country now we are being over run by selfish people that give us all bad reputations. in food lines these people don't last long and only give short term problems. god bless america

  9. I have experienced riots from 1968 in Chicago, Naples Italy, Rota Spain, Several locations in Greece and around the Mediterranean Sea and in Porto Rico I was caught off guard and nearly lost my life once now I have learned that to be in a tsunami of chaotic, emotionally charged people is not the place for me. Pain and injury are good teachers for those that survive don't be one that doesn't. Prepare for the worst and be happy when the out come is better. Have water, food, basic needs met so you can avoid those that don't. Society has broken down here in the U.S.A. for short periods of time in the past I pray that it will not happen again but if it does I want to be a part of the solution not the problem. As a HAM radio operator I volunteered at an evacuation facility. I was amazed that people showed up with nothing and expected that we provide them with all of the comforts of home. They began to steel from each other and to become disorderly in short amount of time. We had to insist that they show I.D. and sign in many did not want to do that and were holding up the line for those that really needed shelter. This was a very eye opening opportunity for me. I am about to get my HAM license renewed but I will not volunteer again I will stay at home and make sure my family is safe.

  10. If we all need bread and water to survive - why not het it BEFORE you need it ? What else will you need ? Get it BEFORE you need it !! Think, plan and PREPARE !!!

  11. I agree with the comments on 'don't be there'.. My training has always started with 'avoidance', be it a punch or just a location.. We know these things happenw hen a load of greedy apes get together, so stay out of the way.. If we could reduce this sort of event, maybe the stores would stop creating the opportunities.. Buy online, shop in less peak times and don;'t be greedy trying to grab anything that is cheap before your neighbour or someone else gets it. Social greed is a big thing. I din't see a load of slim athletic people at the fornt of the queue..:)

  12. Stores with people waiting in line should hand out numbered tickets and let people in a few at a time. Some stores are good at this, while others seem to prefer chaos.

  13. Why on earth would you associate thise video with this (anti-capitolism anti-American anti-most things we stand for) Jihad Loving Arab-Brit? Just curious

  14. Solve the problem of racism-white supremacy and you will solve over 98% of the problems between the people.

  15. One of the previous comments stated this also...AVOIDANCE!...If you KNOW that the store is going to be like that, don't go. I equate that to seeing a mob gathering and going over to see what is brewing. Want it or not, you are going to be a part of the "mob mentality"..only as a non-willing participant..we covered this in the Social Chaos internet symposium we had last week or so. Our BRAIN is the best weapon we have...we need to use it as such. One could avoid having to use the 'tazer', or self-defense techniques or whatever by just avoiding the rush..if you HAVE to go...get there an hour the money you'll save, WORTH it?

  16. Racist-white supremacists are most to blame for all that is happening in this video.

  17. Hate to be classified with the rest of anonymous but here goes...What does racism or body weight have to do with buying a TV?? Or bargain hunting? Sure, if you have money you don't need to worry when you can access other supplies. But what if there is NO POWER and you can't use a credit or debit card, an ATM, or an electronic cash register/scanner...or the gas pump...etc. Now its YOUR life at risk. What will YOU do, lower your morals and kill intentionally? Some of the people commenting here scare me more than a black friday mob, or even looters.

  18. CNN recently interviewed Rodney King, showed video clips of some of the looting in LA and some of the merchants trying to defend themselves by shooting looters. They also interviewed one of the men that risked his life to try and save Reginald Denny. A black man trying to save a white man. The problem is not race. The problem is HATE. I'm not feeling the love here, people!!! Nice to survive. Better to be an example now that the neighbors who would destroy you might learn before it comes to that!!! We have had ample opportunity to teach good morals, kindness, sharing and caring. This winter alone we pitched in to move snow for 5 elderly neighbors. In past years, young men with drug issues who had been caught up in gang violence, learned kindness. They were helping motorists trapped on the strrets in an ice storm. Not ROBBING, helping. Pushing cars through intersections, chopping ice, putting down sand. Public Works in our city and the police and fire departments were overwhelmed so these TEENS gave a helping hand to MANY. Can you find ways to bring out the best in people? Or will you be a bigger problem than those you fear?

  19. i think anonymous said it right HATE!there are a few that just don't care exept for them selves god bless them so they may see the light!


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